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Being fully aware and understanding the importance of guaranteeing conditions of integrity, morality, and transparency in conducting business and safeguarding the ethical-value principles underlying the Group’s philosophy in business orientation, we have designed a system of self-regulation and regulatory compliance which is structured using tools and procedures, as well as testifies our commitment to healthy and correct business management, which is consistent with ethically responsible company objectives.

Behavioural and Ethical Code

We were one of the first companies in Italy to adopt a Code of Ethics (2002).
The Code aims to ensure that all Group members act with the utmost loyalty, correctness, transparency, and in full compliance with the law building better prospects for the company, our partners, and the communities in which we operate. In addition to consolidating our entrepreneurial vision, the Code allows us to face daily challenges with full awareness. The document presents a clear, shared, and indispensable reference of values, which guide our ethical business style and those to which we aspire, thereby driving the business choices of anyone who currently has or intends to have a relationship with Balletta Group spa.

Mog231 | General Note

Balletta Group spa has adopted an organizational and management model compliant with the Legislative Decree 231/01, and which is based on real preventive needs of corporate crime phenomena and testifies to internal organized action. Furthermore, the document summarizes the vision and legal objectives compliance desired by the top management.

Mog231 | Disciplinary Code

The Disciplinary Code confers contractual values to our model of organization and management. It is a disciplinary system suitable to sanction non-compliance with the measures indicated by the same Code and on the statement of sanctions against those who, with transgressive conduct, may prejudice the interests of Balletta Group spa. Notwithstanding the position held in the company or external partnerships, the ascertained violation of the organizational principles delineated from the business management produces penalizing effects proportionate to the circumstances of the case.

Legality Rating

The Competition and Market Authority has recognized the ethical and social standard of our work under the principles of legality, transparency, and corporate responsibility, giving the entire Group the legal-rating score of .